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4‑H clubs are run by community volunteers and teach youth life skills around an array of project areas. Club members are youth who participate in long-term club programs and are considered a member in good standing by participating in county and level events including fair showcase, public speaking opportunities, and special events and workshops. Once youth are registered 4‑H members they are welcome to participate in county, state, and national 4‑H events.
Current Club List
Computer Science Club, Grades 5th-8th: Ongoing
Chicken Club, Grades 4th-9th: Ongoing
Young Gardeners Club, Grades 1st-12th: Meets on Saturdays in the summer and fall
Teen Council Club, Grades 8th-12th: Meets the second Monday of every month, virtual, 7:00PM-8:00PM
STEM Ambassadors club, Grades 8th-12th: Application process to participate
4-H Donald Payne Tech Ag Club, School based
4-H West Caldwell Teach Ag Club, School based
Lincoln Middle School 4-H Club, School based
Community Garden Club, Grades K-13, Every Tuesday, 4:00PM-5:00PM
Essex County 4-H Leaders Association, Adult Volunteers
If you are interested in starting a 4-H Club, please contact